Came across this interesting tidbit when working on a Suzuki RMZ450 while looking at a ignition waveform pattern. It appears that Suzuki is actually firing the spark plug twice at rpm's all the way up to 4,500. They are obviously doing this to improve low speed running. At over 4,500 rpm when the engine is running more efficiently they revert back to firing the spark plug only once. All engines misfire off and on especially at lower rpm's when volumetric efficiency is low. The longer spark duration that occurs when firing the coil twice helps improve the chance that ignition will occur at these lower rpm's.
AuthorI have been involved in mechanics and motorcycling from a young age. I formed Cycle Improvements in 1981 and still have the same passion to learn today as when I started. Hope you find this blog interesting and educational. Archives
March 2021
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